Paying It Forward: How to Give Back to Your Community

Throughout your life, there has been at least one person who has helped you when you needed help. Whether you received help years ago or just this week, it’s time for you to consider paying it forward within your community. At The Insurance Mart, we believe in paying it forward. When you pay it forward, you help someone else instead of someone who helped you. The following are ways you can pay it forward within your community.

Join Community Clean Up Days

There are many roads within your community that are polluted with debris. Whether you contributed to the debris or not, you can help clean it up. Most communities have community clean up days where anyone who wants to can clean up the roads within their community. Cleaning up your local community is a great way to improve the environment, which will help reduce the instance of water pollution for local families.

Help Your Local Meals on Wheels Program

Another program many communities have is Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels is often sponsored by a local government agency within your community, but you can help out. You can help the organization deliver hot meals to the less fortunate. You can stop by your local Department of Social Services to find out more about volunteering for the program.

Volunteer with the Red Cross

Your local Red Cross responds to communities that endured a natural disaster throughout the United States. As a result of this, they are always in need of volunteers. You can contact them to determine you can start the process of becoming a volunteer.

At The Insurance Mart, we want you to be safe while you are volunteering. We offer a variety of auto insurance coverage options on our website. Visit our website and compare our coverage to other insurance companies, and then call us for a quote.



Driving Abroad: What To Know

There’s a lot you should think about when driving abroad. It’s not always easy to be in a foreign country. There may be different rules on the road, as well as things that you need to know prior to arriving.

If you are traveling overseas, you are going to be dealing with a rental car in most instances. There may be age requirements to deal with. You may also require an International Driving Permit as opposed to your driver’s license.

Some kind of insurance should be obtained for while you have a car abroad. This can be obtained from the rental car company as well as are various sources, including your credit card company. This can provide protection in the event you are in an accident.

Understand the type of car that you are going to be driving. The steering will may be on the other side, there may be a manual transmission, and the car may be different than what you typically drive. If you have any questions about the car, be sure to ask before you drive it off of the rental car lot.

Getting directions can be difficult, and you may not be able to get all of the directions on your smart phone. Invest in a GPS, and most rental car companies will even rent them. This will also ensure that you don’t encounter data roaming charges from your cell phone company.

Do your research to ensure you know the laws, the road signs, and more.

You can get help with finding the right coverage for you. Our auto insurance agents at The Insurance Mart can help you every step of the way. We work with some of the top insurance companies throughout the state of Georgia and our agents look forward to helping you. Call now to start learning more.



What Happens if There’s a Hit & Run? Do I Have Enough Coverage?

It’s always important to know how you are covered on auto insurance as you drive throughout Blue Ridge and the rest of Georgia. Hit and runs can be extremely expensive if you don’t have sufficient coverage.

If you look at your auto insurance policy, you are likely not going to find coverage that reads “hit and run.” However, you may have coverage that is going to provide various aspects of a hit and run.

If you simply have the minimum coverage required by the state, you may not have enough coverage. This means that you would likely pay out-of-pocket for medical bills, car repairs, and more.

Remember that with a hit-and-run, the other person is not there. This means that it can be difficult to establish fault. Further, they are not there to give over their insurance card, and therefore you want to have uninsured motorist coverage to help cover some of the expenses.

Collision coverage should also be a part of your policy. Regardless of fault, it can cover the repairs to your vehicle. You may already have this coverage on your policy, though it is important to confirm.

Other coverage that you will want to include within your policy includes personal injury protection, commonly referred to as PIP. This can cover medical bills, lost wages, and even childcare for you and anyone who may have been in the car during the hit-and-run. This will ensure that everyone is covered, as long as you pay the deductible and there are sufficient limits in place.

Contact us at The Insurance Mart today where we can help you get coverage for hit and runs and more. We’re happy to answer questions and guide you through the process of getting an affordable auto insurance policy in Blue Ridge.



Blue Ridge Car Care Tips For The Fall

Living in Blue Ridge, Georgia means knowing that there are various weather patterns throughout the year. During the fall, you want to prepare for the winter because it is going to get cold and you are likely going to experience both snow and ice on the roads.

Your battery is going to go through stress in the colder weather and you want to make sure that connections are clean, tight, and corrosion free. Your battery may not give you a warning sign before it fails, so if it has been a while since it has been replaced, it may be time to do so.

Your brakes should be checked during the fall as well. You don’t want to experience a problem of the brakes failing. Have the rotors and drums checked and the pads may need to be replaced.

The HVAC system in your car should be checked as well. You want to make sure that the defroster works properly to clear the windshield and the heating system should be in good condition so that you are comfortable when driving.

It is a good idea to replace wiper blades during the fall so that they are prepared for clearing ice and snow from the windshield.

Finally, you want to have your tires checked. This includes the tread depth to ensure there is enough traction as well as the tire pressure. Having a gauge handy can allow you to check the pressure on your own so that you know whether it needs air or not.

Our independent insurance agents at The Insurance Mart can help you to find an affordable insurance policy in Blue Ridge, Georgia. We work with some of the top insurance companies in the state and can make recommendations once we receive quotes on your behalf.