FAQ’s About Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance is a legal requirement in Georgia. It cushions you financially after an insured event occurs. These events include legal suits, accidents and weather damage. Here are some FAQ about auto insurance in Blue Ridge, GA. 

Is it necessary?
Most states require that you have at least a liability insurance cover in place before you begin driving. Georgia is no exception. Driving without an insurance policy is illegal predisposes you to financial vulnerabilities due to accidents.
How does it work?
Having an auto insurance policy in place guarantees that you will be covered in case of damages to your vehicle due to collisions or other incidents or if your vehicle is stolen. An auto insurance policy covers you if your vehicle destroys other people’s property. 
Why are auto insurance policies different?
Apart from being provided by different insurance providers, the premium rates are influenced by factors such as your age, your claim history, the average annual distance you intend to cover, where you live, the vehicle’s model, your credit history, among other factors that your insurer will discuss with you. 
What are the auto insurance discounts I am eligible for?
Most insurance providers give discounts such as; good driver discounts for drivers who stay accident-free for a given period, multi-car discounts if you insure several cars with the same provider, or even multi-policy discounts if you have several policies within the same company. Consult with your service provider on what discounts you are eligible for. 
What if I forget to pay my premium?
First offenders are in most cases given a warning from the insurer. Should this happen again you risk to have your policy canceled.  

Interested in buying an auto insurance policy in Blue Ridge, GA? Get in touch with The Insurance Mart for a free estimate. 

What Type of Coverage Is Best for A Show Car?

Residents who own show cars in the Blue Ridge, GA area need to make sure they have sufficient insurance coverage. The agents of The Insurance Mart can determine what type of coverage you need to protect your investment. Classic or "show" cars are the vintage antiques of the auto industry. From stylish sedans like the ’57 Chevy Bel Air to the strong and powerful muscle cars, these vehicles represent a small glimpse of automotive history.

The Value of the Car

Cars that have been restored will vary when it comes to their value. A classic car that was rebuilt using aftermarket parts will hold less value than one that was restored using all OEM parts. A car with parts made from the original molds used by the manufacturer will be worth much more and should be insured at the highest value possible. This protects you from losing your investment if the vehicle is ever damaged or stolen.

Driven or Stored

In most areas, you will need the same level of insurance no matter if it’s driven or stored and trailered to events. To be fully covered, the insurance policy will be based on the value of the vehicle, but will also provide minimum liability protection against bodily injury and property damage. This also allows you the opportunity to drive it on public roadways, even if it’s only to be used in parades or as an escort.

At The Insurance Mart, the agents are able to help you find the approximate value of your classic car and help you to get the insurance you need to protect it. If you live in the Blue Ridge, GA area and have a muscle or classic car that you want to insure, call the office today and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

What Are The Requirements Need For A Car To Be Considered A Classic?

Classic cars can be found at car shows, but they are also becoming more common the roads as well. Owners often spend thousands of dollars restoring these older jewels in the crown of the auto industry. It’s important to know what makes these cars so special. A classic car isn’t just an old vehicle that someone decided to fix up.

What Makes It A Classic?

Classic cars belong to different categories, just like newer models. Residents of Blue Ridge, GA can ask the agents at The Insurance Mart if they questions about whether or not their car is considered to be a classic. One of the most popular categories is the muscle car group. The Chevrolet Camaro, Ford Mustang, and Dodge Charger are just a few of the cars that made it into this category. Known for their speed and overall power, these three vehicles were the powerhouses of the auto industry in the late 60s and early 70s.

How Is A Classic Car Insured?

Classic cars are insured in much the same way as any other automobile. The amount of insurance you purchase is based on the value of the vehicle and what it would cost to repair it if it was damaged in any way.

At The Insurance Mart, residents in and around the Blue Ridge, GA area can schedule an appointment to determine whether or not their car meets the guidelines to be considered a classic. They can also help you find the right type of policy that will cover your car if you choose to put it in car shows or drive it on a daily basis. Call the office today and schedule an appointment to get the answers you need!

Rules for a Good Defensive Driver

Everyone needs to learn how to be a good defensive driver. Knowing what to do makes the roadways safer and help to prevent unnecessary accidents. In Blue Ridge, GA, the independent insurance agents at The Insurance Mart would like to share a few defensive driving techniques that will make you a better and more conscientious driver.

  1. Increase your visual field. Many new drivers only look at what is directly in front of them. So, they only see the taillights in front of them. This could be dangerous if you aren’t focusing on what’s ahead. If traffic conditions change up ahead, you will be able to see it coming and prepare to slow or stop your vehicle.
  2. Always have an escape route. It may take some time to learn this, but as soon as you’ve been in a close call, you’ll understand why it is necessary to have an escape plan when you’re driving. For example, the semi-truck in front of you has a tire that blows out suddenly. Having several feet of distance between you and the truck will give you the right amount of time to escape a collision.
  3. Eliminate various driving distractions. The biggest driving distraction in recent history is the cell phone. It is easy to think that you’ll be quick and reply to a text message, but it only takes a second for an accident to occur.Other distractions that you should avoid include eating, drinking, changing your music selections, adjusting your seat belt, and disruptive passengers.

If you are in the Blue Ridge, GA area, come in and talk with our agents at The Insurance Mart. We can discuss new auto policies or adjust your current coverage. We can also get you started on any home, commercial, recreational vehicle, life, health, or renters insurance policies that you may need.

Driving tips to keep you safe on the road and your auto insurance low

If you live in Blue Ridge, GA, then you will almost definitely need a car to get around really. And if you have a car then you will need auto insurance, preferably through a local broker like The Insurance Mart who serves the local Blue Ridge area. However, some people don’t get insurance or underinsure themselves which can leave them vulnerable to financial ruin if they have an accident or are not covered enough to allow the insurance being able to pay for everything associated with the accident. Below are some tips for people to keep their monthly premiums low and affordable.


The more people you have on your policy who have good driving records, you will get lower premiums overall if everyone is splitting the cost of the insurance equally. So if you have others in your family who need insurance, get on the same policy so you can get better rates. The more, the merrier and cheaper.


Safer vehicles that are not very expensive to fix will yield a lower insurance premium as well, as it will not be as big a risk for the insurance policy. So if you are considering purchasing a car, know that a safe, less expensive car will save you money in the long run in your insurance premium as well.


Just having an anti-theft device will cause your insurance premiums to be less expensive, as it will allow the police to find your vehicle if it is stolen, or keep someone from stealing it in the first place. So the cost of getting an alarm or tracking system on your vehicle will save you money on auto insurance in the long run.

Auto Insurance Basics to Consider

When looking for car insurance, many factors influence the price that you pay for your premium.  Some factors are unchangeable such as your age and if you are a are male or female.  However, there are other factors in wich you can control:

Accident History
The number of insurance claims presented in past years can have an effect on your premium.  If you have a history vehicle accidents, the insurance company will want to look at your driving record and understand who or what has caused the accidents.

Ticket and DUI History
If you have been pulled over by the police many times for speeding and it has resulted in your receiving tickets, this too will push your premium high as you are considered a risky driver.

If you have received a DUI, this stays on your record and can affect the insurance premium for up to 10 years.  If you have received multiple DUIs, many insurance companies will refuse to provide insurance at all.

Where you call home can affect the premium if the area has a record and high risk of theft or vandalism. Those living in a busy urban area will experience an increase as compared to those in suburban or small town residentials areas.

On the flipside, if you live in a suburban or small town and drive a distance to get into the city to work, this is also taken into consideration because of miles were driven to get to work as well as where the vehicle is parked during work hours.

To discuss your insurance needs and receive a quote, call The Insurance Mart in Blue Ridge, GA to learn more.

How will smart security devices affect your home insurance?

For many years, homeowners have installed alarm systems on their doors and windows, sometimes connected with a service that summons the police if a break-in occurs, and some insurance companies have given a discount on home insurance as a result. Now, a whole new generation of smart home security products is being rolled out, including smart security cameras and smoke detectors, and a device that will allow you to answer the door from your smartphone, even if you are not at home.

The question arises, will all of this new technology enable you to get a break on your home insurance? According to a recent article in Digital Trends, probably not – at least for now.

While most people surmise that smart security devices will cut down on losses that are due to burglary and fires, the data right now is lacking to make such a conclusion. Insurance companies calculate risk according to data, in this case, whether or not such devices reduce risk. Without the data, your insurer simply will not be able to give you a discount on your premiums.

On the other hand, various experts agree that the introduction of such devices will show a reduction in risk for your home over time. However, it may take as long as a decade for the data to come in and for insurance companies to take that into account when calculating risk and premiums. In the meantime, you should feel free to install as many smart devices in your home as your budget allows. Losses from fire or burglary are a hassle, even if they are insured.

For all questions regarding home insurance, feel free to contact The Insurance Mart serving Blue Ridge, GA.

The Dangers of Road Rage

Driving is a privilege. In order to maintain that privilege, you are expected to be a safe driver when you are driving. Unfortunately, we witness a lot of accidents called by road rage her at The Insurance Mart, so we want to take the time to help our customers understand the dangers of road rage.

Road Rage Reduces Your Control Over the Car

There are many types of road rage, including tailgating, driving through red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, and failing to yield. If you are practicing any of these driving strategies, then it’s likely that you have road rage.

When you are raging down the road, you have much less control than other drivers. As a result, you can’t react as quickly as other drivers, which increases your chances of causing an accident. You can slow down and come to complete stops to significantly reduces your chances of endangering your life.

Road Rage Increases Your Chances of Crashes

Beyond limiting your ability to react to hazards and other drivers, you have a higher chance of getting into a crash when you are raging down the street. At the minimum, your driving can potentially scare other drivers, who then make an unfavorable, and impulsive decision to react to your behavior. Worst case scenario, you could hit another vehicle or lose control of your car. All of these situation s are preventable by driving responsibly.

Head-On Collisions Are Likely Due to Road Rage

Finally, people who are speeding or weaving in and out of traffic increase their chances of having a head-on collision. Head-on collisions are the worst type of accident possible, with very few people surviving. On the bright side, you can lower or prevent these risks by driving responsibly on the highway.



Driving Abroad: What To Know

There’s a lot you should think about when driving abroad. It’s not always easy to be in a foreign country. There may be different rules on the road, as well as things that you need to know prior to arriving.

If you are traveling overseas, you are going to be dealing with a rental car in most instances. There may be age requirements to deal with. You may also require an International Driving Permit as opposed to your driver’s license.

Some kind of insurance should be obtained for while you have a car abroad. This can be obtained from the rental car company as well as are various sources, including your credit card company. This can provide protection in the event you are in an accident.

Understand the type of car that you are going to be driving. The steering will may be on the other side, there may be a manual transmission, and the car may be different than what you typically drive. If you have any questions about the car, be sure to ask before you drive it off of the rental car lot.

Getting directions can be difficult, and you may not be able to get all of the directions on your smart phone. Invest in a GPS, and most rental car companies will even rent them. This will also ensure that you don’t encounter data roaming charges from your cell phone company.

Do your research to ensure you know the laws, the road signs, and more.

You can get help with finding the right coverage for you. Our auto insurance agents at The Insurance Mart can help you every step of the way. We work with some of the top insurance companies throughout the state of Georgia and our agents look forward to helping you. Call now to start learning more.



What Happens if There’s a Hit & Run? Do I Have Enough Coverage?

It’s always important to know how you are covered on auto insurance as you drive throughout Blue Ridge and the rest of Georgia. Hit and runs can be extremely expensive if you don’t have sufficient coverage.

If you look at your auto insurance policy, you are likely not going to find coverage that reads “hit and run.” However, you may have coverage that is going to provide various aspects of a hit and run.

If you simply have the minimum coverage required by the state, you may not have enough coverage. This means that you would likely pay out-of-pocket for medical bills, car repairs, and more.

Remember that with a hit-and-run, the other person is not there. This means that it can be difficult to establish fault. Further, they are not there to give over their insurance card, and therefore you want to have uninsured motorist coverage to help cover some of the expenses.

Collision coverage should also be a part of your policy. Regardless of fault, it can cover the repairs to your vehicle. You may already have this coverage on your policy, though it is important to confirm.

Other coverage that you will want to include within your policy includes personal injury protection, commonly referred to as PIP. This can cover medical bills, lost wages, and even childcare for you and anyone who may have been in the car during the hit-and-run. This will ensure that everyone is covered, as long as you pay the deductible and there are sufficient limits in place.

Contact us at The Insurance Mart today where we can help you get coverage for hit and runs and more. We’re happy to answer questions and guide you through the process of getting an affordable auto insurance policy in Blue Ridge.