Does my home insurance policy cover jewelry, paintings, and other valuables?

Your homeowner’s insurance policy covers everything in your home, right? Well, maybe not. It’s always best to look at your own policy, so talk to an insurance agent at The Insurance Mart near Blue Ridge, GA to determine your coverage, but in general, your valuables are not fully covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy.

What is Covered?

All policies are different, but most home insurance policies cover damage to your home, garage, or other buildings, such as a shed. They also cover items inside your home, such as furniture and clothing. For jewelry, paintings, and other valuables, most policies only cover these items up to a certain amount, and there is often a single item amount as well as a group amount.

How Does This Work?

We’ll look at jewelry as an example. Your policy may cover the overall category of jewelry up to $4,000, and any given single piece up to $2,000. This means if your jewelry is stolen, the maximum amount that you will get compensated for is $4,000, even if $10,000 worth of jewelry was stolen. Similarly, if you have a single piece of jewelry worth $3,000, that piece is only covered up to $2,000. If you have a lot of valuable items in your home, this may leave you in a bind should something ever happen. 

How Do I Get More Coverage?

Take stock of your valuable items in your home near Blue Ridge, GA to determine if you have a lot of special items that may need additional coverage. An insurance agent at The Insurance Mart can help you figure out if you need extra coverage, and they can set you up with a policy if you don’t already have one in place. We want to make sure you’re covered no matter what life throws at you!

Insurance to Protect You and Your Vehicle

There are many reasons to get auto insurance and of course, it is the law. All of those reasons are also good reasons and of course, it is the law! It really doesn’t matter what type of insurance you need or want, if it is the state minimum legal coverage or full coverage for that new classic Mustang you just bought, the right policy will depend on you and your car.

Insurance to Protect You

When it comes to an automobile accident, there can be many different concerns. Helping you with medical expenses, paying for damages or for other costs related to an accident, the right auto insurance will be there to assist you and help with those burdens. This is first and foremost, about keeping you safe from medical expenses to repair costs.

Insurance to Protect Your Vehicle

According to one report, more than 25% of the drivers in Florida are uninsured. Georgia fares better at 12% but that still means for our customers in Blue Ridge GA and the surrounding areas, more than one in ten drivers are without automobile coverage! So in order to protect that new classic Mustang or your favorite ride, The Insurance Mart is here to help you find a policy and plan that fits. Car repairs can get costly and obviously, nobody wants to have a car totaled but if we do, there is insurance for that.

If you live in the Blue Ridge, GA area and are looking to compare, update or shop for new automobile insurance, contact us today. The Insurance Mart is here to keep you legal, help you find the right policy and to protect you and your vehicle.

What’s the Difference Between a Co-Pay and a Deductible?

The agents at The Insurance Mart serve Blue Ridge, GA and they know how important your health is. Getting through the technicalities of health insurance can be challenging, but two terms everyone should understand are co-pay and deductible. If you’ve ever used the service of a healthcare provider, you’ve heard one or both of these terms.

Your co-pay is what you pay at the time of service when you go in for a covered visit. Look in your health insurer’s patient manual for what co-pays are. For example, depending on your insurance, you might see a co-pay stated in dollar amounts for one, all or more of these covered services: visit your primary care physician, visit to a specialist, visit to the emergency room, hospital stay, diagnostic tests, ambulance, etc. You will also have to pay part of your prescription drug costs. 

Look at your patient manual again for what your deductible is. Most deductibles are stated for a year. They are what you will pay out-of-pocket before your health insurer steps in to pay the rest of your covered medical and hospital bills. Deductibles range from zero dollars to thousands of dollars annually.

As a general rule, it’s suggested that you choose a high-deductible plan if you have an HSA, are healthy or are financially able to pay the high deductible within a month. Select a no-deductible or lower deductible plan if you’re pregnant, plan to become pregnant or have young children or children who play sports. Also, choose this plan if you anticipate surgery such as hip or knee replacement or take an expensive drug. 

Contact us at The Insurance Agency. In serving Blue Ridge, GA, we will help you choose the health coverage that fits your needs. 

Who Should Consider Life Insurance?

When it comes to looking after those you care about, life insurance is one of the best investment you’ll ever make. But who should consider life insurance? If you live in or around Blue Ridge, GA, The Insurance Mart can help you make this important decision. So no matter how old you are or your current family situation, here is what you need to know about who should consider life insurance. 


Do you have family? Perhaps you’re married or you have children. In either situation, it’s best for you to have life insurance in order to help provide for your family after you have passed on. Your final expenses and medical bills can add up, so life insurance not only will pay for these expenses, but the money will go to help offer financial security for the next several years (or decades) following your passing. 


Even if you are not married and don’t have children if you have any kind of debt this debt will be passed on to others you are related to. Whether this is student loan payments or other expenses, there’s a good chance your siblings or parents may be forced to take on the debt. You don’t want them to pay for these expenses, so having life insurance will protect them. 

Life insurance is an important investment and it will help take care of your family should you pass on. Even if you are not married or have any children a life insurance policy can help take care of debts and other expenses that you may leave behind after you die. Whatever the situation may be, if you live in or around Blue Ridge, GA the team at The Insurance Mart can help you determine whether life insurance is right for you. 

Secondary residence insurance

The mountains of northern Georgia are becoming a popular place for people to have a secondary home or a vacation home. Coastal areas have those as well, and if you have one, you will need insurance just as you do for your primary residence. The Insurance Mart of Blue Ridge, GA can help you get the coverage you need for that vacation home.

Generally speaking, insurance is very similar to the protection you have on your primary residence. You can easily add another policy to cover your second home. That is the easy part, getting into the details is more complicated.

The cost for the policy itself is not much more expensive, but there is usually an added charge of between 10 and 20 percent for the secondary home policy.  Whether you use that property as a rental when you are not vacationing there also makes a difference as to the type of policy you will need. Renting it out just a few times a year, however, is different.

The biggest drawback and the biggest risk is the fact that vacation homes are usually not inhabited for long periods of time. There is no one there to notice a broken window, for instance, or no one there to call the fire department if needed, so that makes the risk greater for insurance companies. Rural isolation, as you might find in North Georgia, can also increase the risk. 

Call, visit online, or stop by  The Insurance Mart in Blue Ridge, GA to find the insurance coverage you need. Consider an umbrella policy to make sure you have your assets protected.  Fair rental income protection is also an option if you rent your property. This policy would replace lost income from tenting if your property is destroyed or damaged severely.

3 FAQs About Recreational Insurance

You know that you need recreational insurance but there are a few questions that require answers. Read on to get the FAQs about RV insurance!

1. What happens if I want to switch my policy after renewing my old one?

Refunds are rare with insurance premiums. It is best to shop around for potential plans weeks before your old policy expires if you are planning to change providers. Still, if you have found a better plan before your old recreational insurance policy expires in Blue Ridge GA, you may want to do the following:

  • Wait until the time runs out on your freshly renewed plan before signing up for the new policy. Some assurance companies do not increase rates by much and would still be viable options even if you need to get a new quote;

  • Obtain the new policy while keeping your old one. There is no special rule in Blue Ridge GA that prohibits you from having multiple RV insurance policies;

  • Tell your old insurance company that you are thinking of leaving because of the high premiums. Sometimes, in efforts to keep your business, your old indemnity provider will offer you a lower rate.

2. Is the premium a solid amount all year long?

The good thing about recreational insurance is that you can reduce the amount that you pay per month when the vessel is parked. An agent from The Insurance Mart can tell you more about this possibility.

3. How much recreational insurance do I need?

The amount of recreational insurance you need depends on the following:

  • State Minimums;

  • Finance Company Requirements;

The state of Georgia requires all vehicle owners to obtain assurance policies that provide a minimum of $25,000 bodily injury coverage per person as well as $25,000 for property damage coverage per incident. Georgia also requires vehicle owners to have uninsured motorist coverage.

The agents at The Insurance Mart can help you find the recreational insurance plan that best fits your lifestyle. Call them today to get started with a quote!

Key Facts About Commercial Insurance

You are probably familiar with many types of insurance, such as auto insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. But there are many other types of insurance that are just as valuable yet not as many people are familiar with them. Commercial insurance is one of those types of insurance, and here are some key facts about it, brought to you by The Insurance Mart serving the Blue Ridge, GA area.

Definition of commercial insurance

Commercial insurance is a type of auto insurance policy. It covers vehicles that are being used for business purposes rather than for personal driving.

Who needs commercial insurance

Many types of people need commercial insurance. For example, a business with vehicles being used for business purposes, whether that amounts to one vehicle or many, needs commercial insurance. There is some gray area these days when it comes to services like car sharing and ride services like Uber, as far as what commercial insurance is needed for vehicles like that. So it is wise for people using vehicles like that to stay informed and consult a qualified local insurance company.

What commercial insurance covers

As is true for personal auto insurance, commercial insurance covers numerous things. For example, if a person is using a vehicle covered by commercial insurance and that vehicle is in an accident, the commercial insurance policy can cover that, depending of course on the specifics of that accident. Commercial insurance can also cover issues like towing and loss of use. What it covers though depends on the specifics of the individual policy.

There are many more ins and outs of commercial insurance. If you would like to get more information, please feel free to contact The Insurance Mart serving the Blue Ridge, GA area.

What You Should Know About Lightning Protection for Your Home

Do you wonder if it is a good idea for you to secure lightning insurance for your home? In most instances, this is ideal and necessary. Read on for important details about Blue Ridge, GA area lightning protection.

Unplug Those Devices

If you know that a storm is coming, you will want to unplug your appliances or devices. This will prevent any damage from an electrical surge, which can go beyond damage to your electronics themselves. Avoid fires and more issues by taking this proactive measure.

Install Surge Protectors

You may not be at home to unplug your electronics every day in the instance of an impending storm. In such a scenario, it would be beneficial to have transient voltage surge protectors installed. They greatly limit the amount of voltage going to the electronics, keeping them relatively safe.

View Your Home Insurance Policy

If you live in a region in which there are many storms, there is some sort of risk of damage from lightning to your house and surrounding property. You will want to be prepared by having adequate insurance coverage.

You can take various precautionary measures to protect your home in the first place, from a threat such as lightning. However, when a natural disaster strikes on your property, you should have insurance coverage. Take a look at your current insurance policy, if you have one. There should be specific language detailing that the coverage is for that purpose. Not only will it pay out for damages to your house, but also you can arrange for your policy to cover any that occur to your electronics.

Do your research to determine if Blue Ridge, GA is at high risk of frequent lightning storms. Put your trust in a reliable insurance company like The Insurance Mart to assist you with any questions and concerns you may have about policies and what various terms mean.


FAQ’s About Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance is a legal requirement in Georgia. It cushions you financially after an insured event occurs. These events include legal suits, accidents and weather damage. Here are some FAQ about auto insurance in Blue Ridge, GA. 

Is it necessary?
Most states require that you have at least a liability insurance cover in place before you begin driving. Georgia is no exception. Driving without an insurance policy is illegal predisposes you to financial vulnerabilities due to accidents.
How does it work?
Having an auto insurance policy in place guarantees that you will be covered in case of damages to your vehicle due to collisions or other incidents or if your vehicle is stolen. An auto insurance policy covers you if your vehicle destroys other people’s property. 
Why are auto insurance policies different?
Apart from being provided by different insurance providers, the premium rates are influenced by factors such as your age, your claim history, the average annual distance you intend to cover, where you live, the vehicle’s model, your credit history, among other factors that your insurer will discuss with you. 
What are the auto insurance discounts I am eligible for?
Most insurance providers give discounts such as; good driver discounts for drivers who stay accident-free for a given period, multi-car discounts if you insure several cars with the same provider, or even multi-policy discounts if you have several policies within the same company. Consult with your service provider on what discounts you are eligible for. 
What if I forget to pay my premium?
First offenders are in most cases given a warning from the insurer. Should this happen again you risk to have your policy canceled.  

Interested in buying an auto insurance policy in Blue Ridge, GA? Get in touch with The Insurance Mart for a free estimate. 

Are There Different Types of Boat Insurance?

Boat owners who live in the Blue Ridge, GA are can rely on the agents of The Insurance Mart if they need help deciding on the right boat insurance policy. It’s important to know what type of coverage works best for your boat according to its age, condition, and how you use it. Talking to a licensed agent will give you the information you need to make an informed choice.

Agreed Value and Actual Value Coverage

An "Agreed Value" policy pays the value you agreed on when you took out the policy. Partial loss claims can be filed if repairs are needed. An "Actual Value" policy will pay you the actual value of the boat based on resale value at the time. With an Actual Value policy, the amount will change as the boat gets older and depreciation begins to affect its resale price. 

Other Types of Coverage

There are other types of coverage you can include in a boat policy. They include liability, medical, environmental, hull and tow insurance among others. Liability and medical are essential forms of coverage if you carry passengers on your watercraft at any time. These types of coverage protect you from financial loss if anyone is ever injured while riding in your boat.

The agents at The Insurance Mart serve residents who live in or near Blue Ridge, GA and many of the surrounding communities. If you own a boat or are thinking about buying one, it’s important that you understand the types of insurance you will need to have in place before you put it in the water for the first time. Call and schedule an appointment with your insurance agent today so you have the answers you need!