When was the last time you updated your car insurance policy? If it’s been a couple of years, you need to give your policy a second look. Failing to review your auto insurance policy could mean two things. First, you are overpaying or underpaying your insurance premiums. Secondly, you could be in for a rude shock when filing a claim.
At The Insurance Mart, we usually advise our clients to update their insurance policy annually. However, sometimes you don’t have to wait for a year to lapse to update your insurance policy. Please contact your insurer to update your insurance policy if the following incidences occur.
Change of use
Are you using your vehicle to run business errands? You need to update your standard auto insurance to commercial auto insurance. Why? Using your car for commercial reasons exposes your vehicle to new risks, and your personal auto insurance won’t be enough.
Upgrading your vehicle
Finally, got your hands on the car of your dream? Congratulations! Even more good news, you don’t have to get an entirely new car insurance policy. You need to talk to your insurer to transfer your old policy into your new car. Of course, expect to top up your premiums, especially if the new vehicle has a high value.
Allowing a teenage driver to use your car
Want your teenage daughter or son to drive your car? You need to talk to your insurance company to update your policy. Teenage drivers are considered riskier, so expect an adjustment to your premiums.
Learn more about car insurance in Blue Ridge, GA!
Still not sure whether you should update your car insurance policy? No worries. Please get in touch with The Insurance Mart for more information on car insurance.